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Hey! Have you ever realized that talking "about yourself" is not the same as telling "who you are"? What fine line is there which sets them apart? 

Hi there! I'm Anurag Chauhan and I'm a writer, probably because I tend to put my reflections of this world in words quite often.

Here, at Undual, I basically try to put out my thought streams which are largely fueled by my disposition of making sense of too much information that there is.

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My writing is highly stimulated by my keenness to observe various facets of life,
and how humans seek to figure out their place in this universe through poetry,
art, science, philosophy and literature. It is something I greatly love but
also struggle the most with because I discern that what you think and how you make others understand what you think are two totally different things.
So definitely, whatever I write may or may not be in coherence to everyone's way of looking at it. Even, I'm at odds with myself a lot of times and it's all right. I feel that's what that paves the way forward.
Here, you may read the things I've published and share your points of view around the same thing. I like to focus more on listening than telling because I feel I can never have enough time to live and learn what others have already lived in their lives.

And if my work helps you in any way to become a better person, then please consider
buying me a coffee☕ and support me and my work that is a solo endeavour of carving my passion into perception.


If my work helps you in any way to become a better person, then please consider buying me a coffee☕ and support me and my work that is a solo endeavour of carving my passion into perception.

Or you may simply scan this QR code and support me.

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